Provides homeopathic support for brain regeneration, stimulation and detoxification. Safe and effective to add in with any supplemental regime. Also good to help brain function enhancement. Helps with depression and chemical brain imbalances. No side effect with other medications. The Adult dose is 1 teaspoon (4 droppers full) once or twice a day under the tongue. For alcohol sensitive - Add dose to 2 oz. of warm water, let cool and sip. This can be safely give to children. Children 4-12 - 1/2 teaspoon. Use at least for 2 months. Ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba 2X, Anacareium orientale 3X, Colchicum autumnale 3X, Convallaria majalis 3X, Scutellaria lateriflora 3X, Vitamin G complex 3X, Brain 3X. 6X, Nux Moschata 4X, Agaricus muscarius 6X, Ambra grisea 6X, Baryta carbonica 6X, Gaba 6X, Kali bromatum 6X, Plumbum metallicum 12X, Glycerinum 15X, purified water, 20% USP alcohol. 4 oz. liquid