About Herbal Healer

Herbal Healer has been supplying the world with natural medicine alternatives, correspondence courses for educational purposes, and in-depth research since 1988. We are located in the beautiful Ozark Mountains in the heart of Arkansas. We have an extensive inventory of natural products that we have continued to add to over the years.

Some of our products include: vitamins & minerals, tinctures, colloidal silver, bulk herbs, 4-herb tea products, and Dr. Chi products.

Email inquiries may be sent to hha@herbalhealer.com. We have recently opened our phones lines in effort to accommodate our customers on a more personal level. Call 870-269-4177. Our sales personnel are available Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Central Time) to help with all inquiries. In addition to our online orders available here, we also accept mail orders at:

Herbal Healer Academy, Inc.
P.O. Box 2509
Mountain View, Ar. 72560

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