Colloidal Silver

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Colloidal Silver - 500ppm

  • A broad-based supplement for daily use.
  • Antibiotics are used globally and bacteria can develop resistance to them.
  • Colloidal Silver has been formulated to support your daily needs.
  • Silver supplementation has undergone scientific review and some cases achieved patented status.
  • Supplementation with Colloidal Silver can be taken over long periods of time, as needed.
  • Colloidal Silver can be used as a supplement to support normal healthy skin, circulatory system, joints and the immune system.


Colloidal Silver is water based and will freeze on delivery trucks that are not heated in the winter when temperatures in the day time are below 32 degrees.  Colloidal Silver SHOULD be shipped separately and to an indoor post office.  If you place colloidal silver on your order, understand that in some cases the Colloidal Silver will be shipped separately and there is an additional shipping charge for the second shipment.  If you choose Fedex as your shipping option, you are responsible if the silver freezes and breaks.  WE DO NOT COVER BROKEN COLLOIDAL SILVER DUE TO FREEZING TEMPERATURES.

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