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Emu Oil 4oz
Emu Oil 4oz
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100% Natural, Non-toxic, Safe and Effective Skin Healer.
Non-Vegetarian Product
  As many of you are aware, I research and test a product on family and local patients before I ever offer it to the HHA Members.  If I won't take it or use it, I won't sell it.  I have been reluctant to try the Emu Oil, because a great many of our customers are vegetarians and when I introduce a non-vegetarian product, I am bombarded with hysteria from some of them. However, I am very dedicated to finding products that are all natural, safe and effective to help us all combat the serious health issues that life can throw at us.  Don't miss the Pictures Worth a Thousand Word link on this page!   After hearing some amazing testimonials and reading up on the product, I decided to bring some in and try it.  I was shocked at the results I saw with the few people that I have given it to for various problems.   With that said, for many of you that will use this product, I  would like you to be aware of this amazing healing oil that really does help a great many chronic skin ailments that do not respond to other salves and lotions and medications. 


I have found emu oil very effective in reducing toe nail fungus. By just rubbing the emu oil on toenails daily the thickness decreases, the discoloration fades, the pinching pain goes away completely and the powdery substance under the toenail is reduced significantly. Emu oil is much better than any product sold at the pharmacy for toe nail fungus! D.B.

Fabulous is all I can say. I have tried Emu Oil from 7 different companies in the last 6 months to help with the pains in my hands and feet. I am diabetic. Hands down your Emu Oil is the best on the market and offers the best pain relief. Thank you so much and God Bless! E.F ~ HHA Member 2007

  Chronic sore and cracking heels.  Diagnosed by medical doctor as a fungal.  This condition had been getting progressively worse over a period of five years.  Many creams, lotions, anti-fungals had been tried.  The Emu Oil was applied twice a day, morning and evening.  Within 2 weeks the condition was remarkably improved.  The Emu Oil was able to penetrate many layers of the dry skin and after only the first 4 oz. bottle, the heels looked normal.   Chapped and Cracking hands and splits at the finger tips.  With the application of the Emu Oil twice a day, this condition stopped.   Severe psoriasis rash in adult and child, remarkably improved with only 1/2 a bottle used.  

Baby recovered from severe diaper rash after a bout with the flu, using only a few applications of Emu Oil.

Woman who used Emu Oil on her face as a moisturizer had noticeably different skin within two weeks.  Her face looked younger and what was most dramatic was that it seemed to help the skin recover to a glowing youthful color.  Small brown spots had faded.

Woman using Emu Oil as a moisturizer for hands and arms, noticed that the brown "aging" liver spots that had appeared in the last few years had faded away.    

HHA Employee with some minor back pain from overexertion, used one application of Emu Oil in the evening before bed and reported no more pain.

Love this emu oil! One of my friends took my bottle on vacation with her because the doctor told her she had some kind of tendonitis and she was in tears because she could barely walk and just knew her trip would be ruined. Well it wasn't. She came home all better. I personally had a swelling in the front of my ankle and it was very tender. I don't know what it was but it started in the middle of the night because it woke me up. The oil got rid of the pain in about 10 minutes and the swelling was gone by the second day. My daughter now tells anyone that complains of an ache. Tell mom! She'll grease you up with bird oil! Marijah you have truly been a blessing in our lives. I am very thankful to God for you. You have helped me so much.
N.B. ~ HHA Member since 2003

About two weeks ago, I received the Emu Oil that you are offering now. I have been plagued with problem skin for all of my life.(I just turned 50 this year) I use a wonderful skin care line, but the past two years, my face has done a continual peel. It feels raw nearly all the time. I am self conscious about it, as my nose and chin are always a sight. Well, after only a week of using the Emu Oil at night and before I put on makeup in the morning, my skin feels and looks healthy and normal. I cannot get over it. I know my face looks better and the constant pimples and other skin irritations are nearly completely gone. My skin looks new! I also get a rash on the inside of my forearms occasionally. It burns and looks dreadful for a couple of weeks until the lessions crust and then heal. That is a bit graffic, but the other day, when they first began to break out, I put the emu oil on them and forgot about them. I looked later on in the day and my arms look normal, no rash, no small scarring, nothing! Thank you * McCain for you continued efforts in bringing us good products that do what they are designed for. You are the real deal. May you have many years of uninterrupted prosperity in your business. As you prosper so do we all.This is my newest trial of one of your products and I have not yet used one that hasn't performed beyond expectations. 
R.H. ~ HHA Member since 1999

I have had cracked, scaling & bleeding feet for almost 10 years. I missed running around barefoot in the summer because of this. I read the information about the Emu Oil & decided to give it a try. PTL! In less than a month they are completely healed! I use 2-3 drops per foot only once a day. I am buying a bottle for my youngest son, who is also suffering from this. Won't he be surprized?! My husband was so impressed & loves the feeling of my feet rubbing against his legs again! Thanks so much for this wonderful product! --T.S.
~ Longstanding HHA Member

I received my recent order, including Emu Oil, about 10 days ago. I had developed an inflamation in my thumb joint due to overexertion in six months ago -- resulting in swelling, pain, and restricted motion. After massaging the Emu Oil into the joint for several evenings before bedtime, I noticed yesterday that all pain and restricted motion has absolutely disappeared. I'll try it on a sore knee and a bunion next! An amazing preparation! I highly endorse it and encourage others to try it!
~ A.S. HHA Mamber since 2003

I have struggled endlessly with severe eczema. For years I have been given cortisone, drugs like Eledel and others. Sometimes they helped, but they never worked well and required higher and higher dosages to be useful. About three months ago I tried Emu Oil ... Holy cats! Inside of three days cracked and damaged skin (that had been that way for YEARS) started to heal. In a week 50% of my eczema was gone. After three weeks I was COMPLETELY CLEAR. So many people cannot understand the difficulty of this problem, it feels horrible, it looks horrible and there little help from mainstream medicine. I followed your recommendations while my condition was current and now use it once a week after I shower to keep clear. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. Thanks to your product I feel comfortable in my own skin again. 
~ J.M ~ HHA Member since 1999

Hi! I just wanted to tell you how wonderful the Emu oil is. I bought it awhile back and I am glad I did! I have 2 bulging discs in my lower back and I have been trying everything to help with the pain. I started using the Emu oil a month ago every night before bed and I have noticed alot less pain and I am able to get out of bed easier! Thanks for all the great testimonials about this product, without them, I would never had thought to use it on my lower back! I believe that with continued use, it will decrease my pain more. What a great product!! C.D. 
~ HHA Member since 2004

                                                                                                                                                                  The Emu Oil is also incredible for just about all types of skin conditions from what I have researched.   I  personally am seeing remarkable results from people who are using it for rosacea, psoriasis, excema, severe skin wounds, weird rashes, chronic dry skin, fungals on the skin,  and joint pain relief.   It can safely be used on children and all animals too.  Try it on your dogs that have chronic skin problems.    SOME INTERESTING PROPERTIES OF EMU OIL   Emu Oil  is highly penetrating. This ability to penetrate the stratum corneum barrier of the skin, brought about by the high levels of oleic acid mentioned earlier, has in it the basis for many new uses in the future. Emu oil could be combined with various medicinals or cosmetic materials to take them beneath this barrier and could do it relatively more cheaply than the costly liposomes and iontophorisis now available. At the present time, chiropractors and massage therapists are using emu oil for this penetrating ability because it gets into the muscles and relaxes them so that the chiropractic work that has been done lasts longer. As Dr. Ron Westbrook states in "An Adjustment in Chiropractic" [Emu Today and Tomorrow, July 1995]: "When the spine is misaligned, anything that can cause those tissues to become loose or more fluid, is great help. The more fluid in the muscles, the less likely they will pull back out of alignment."   It is anti-inflammatory. According to another article in Emu, Today and Tomorrow, July 1995, four Australian inventors have isolated a yellow-colored component in emu oil that appears to be at least one of the active ingredients causing the oil's anti-inflammatory activity. They have patented the substance they isolated, and this patent, or other research, could lead to new anti inflammatory medicines in the future that are without side effects, are non-irritating, which continue to work and are not thrown off or rejected by the body, and which are far less expensive than current anti-inflammatories are. There is much anecdotal material available on the anti-inflammatory abilities of emu oil. It has been shown to reduce pain, swelling and stiffness in joints, to reduce recent bruising and muscle pain, and ease sports related muscle strains as well.   A third important property of emu oil is that it is bacteriostatic. Tests show that in its pure state, emu oil grows no bacterial organisms. Pure non-contaminated emu oil has a long shelf life for this reason and also because of its low levels of polyunsaturated fats which are the most subject to oxidation and eventual rancidity. This bacteriostatic activity will be of great help in future uses both cosmetically and pharmaceutically.   Emu oil has a low potential for irritation of the skin. It is shown to have almost no side effects, and this means that even at full strength, emu oil has irritation levels so low that they are the same as those found in putting water on the skin, i.e. practically nonexistent. This enhances its abilities in sports medicine and in massage and chiropractic as well. This characteristic is unusual and it also betters its position as an anti-inflammatory because most of the anti-inflammatory drugs are irritating and have side effects.   Emu oil is non-comedogenic, that is to say it does not clog up pores and thus does not cause pimples when used. This cannot be said for mineral oil (one of the current, popular carrier oils in cosmetics and rubbing oils) which causes outbreaks of pimples when used.   It is a good moisturizer which adds to its protective ability and promotes anti-aging of the skin. Researchers believe that its unique combination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids may be an explanation for its ability to enhance the willingness of the upper layers of the skin to hold water. It increases the thickness of human skin 2.5 times, thus reducing its tendency to wrinkle.   ARTHRITIS PAIN RELIEF
Arthritis, muscle and joint pain and swelling can make any movement torture.  Emu Oils natural ability to help these conditions has been proven by medical research.  In a study performed by Dr. Michael Whitehouse and Dr. Peter Ghosh, leading experts on the evaluation and development of new anti-arthritis treatments in Australia, proved positive that Emu Oil does eliminate pain and inflammation in their patients. Another study conducted by Dr. Thom Leahey of the Arthritis Clinic in Oklahoma, stated , "The dramatic results I have observed convinced me that this oil can make an impact on those suffering from arthritis. The use of this oil has simply changed my practice."   PAINFUL BURNS Emu Oil was the unanimous favorite in a recent burn study conducted at the  Timothy J Harmon Burn Center at Texas Tech University.  Emu oil provided adequate lubrication, aiding in the healing process. There was a unanimous difference noted in the reduction of scarring and inflammation when Emu Oil was used.   This can also be used on sunburns and radiation burns.   The Emu Oil that we are carrying is a therapeutic top grade Emu Oil. The frozen fat is ground just prior to rendering in a water heated stainless steel facility at 145 degrees for approximately 20 minutes, with constant agitation. This qualifies the oil as a cold processed oil. Then the oil is double filtered through 1 micron filtration with the final filtration of 1/2 micron. Vitamin E is added as the antioxidant and preservative.  This Emu Oil has very little odor due to the very clean and high quality fat that is used.  This product is non-toxic and can safely be used for extended periods of time.    

Click here for photo evidence of the benefits of Emu Oil! (Picture worth a thousand words)



P.S. The various web sites that have sold this product over the years have thousands of testimonials listed.  You can do your own research on this product by simply using the search engine and type in EMU OIL.   Your search will yield over 300,000 articles and websites!



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5.76 oz
8 Customer Reviews
4.8 out of 5 stars
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Wonderful Moisturizer
Emu oil is the best moisturizer. I use it on my face and hands.
Emu Oil
This product is amazing it does everything it claims. I have pain in my feet and I apply it at night to ease the pain and it works.
Emu Oil
We have been using this for about one week. So far, we are seeing great results!
Emu oil
Kimberlee Fields
I consider this a healing miracle in my house. I have seen it heal scars, sooth bites and rashes and nourish skin. I recommend it to everyone I know that has any type of skin ailment.
Emu Oil
I'm so glad I found this product. It is great for dry, cracked heels and especially your nails. I used this for several months to clear up some fungus I had on my big toe. After a few weeks of using a little each morning and at bedtime I could see a difference. My toe nails have never looked so good! After years of wearing polish on them. I also use on small cuts. Helps speed up the healing process.
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Emu oil
Kimberlee Fields
I consider this a healing miracle in my house. I have seen it heal scars, sooth bites and rashes and nourish skin. I recommend it to everyone I know that has any type of skin ailment.
Emu oil keeps my face and hand less dry; I have t
Nicole Karlins
I had read that it might lighten blemishes and circles under the eye, so far, it has not!
Showing All 5 Star Reviews
Wonderful Moisturizer
Emu oil is the best moisturizer. I use it on my face and hands.
Emu Oil
This product is amazing it does everything it claims. I have pain in my feet and I apply it at night to ease the pain and it works.
Emu Oil
We have been using this for about one week. So far, we are seeing great results!
Emu Oil
I'm so glad I found this product. It is great for dry, cracked heels and especially your nails. I used this for several months to clear up some fungus I had on my big toe. After a few weeks of using a little each morning and at bedtime I could see a difference. My toe nails have never looked so good! After years of wearing polish on them. I also use on small cuts. Helps speed up the healing process.
Emu Oil
I discovered Emu Oil when my aestheticisn recommended to heal my eyeliner tattoo. Incredible healing power scabs. Awesome product.
Emu Oil
Marilyn Downing
I have bought a bottle for my brother and my sister. My brother has two blown knees, bone on bone and his wife is in hospice care and both suffer with severe chronic pain. They both use the oil and have received significant relief. Also, I purchased for my sister who has a swollen knee with chronic pain and she uses it and also reports significant relief. Neither of them Received instant relief but had to use it 3-5 days applying 1-3 times a day before they experienced relief, so give it some time.
Showing All Reviews
Wonderful Moisturizer
Emu oil is the best moisturizer. I use it on my face and hands.
Emu Oil
This product is amazing it does everything it claims. I have pain in my feet and I apply it at night to ease the pain and it works.
Emu Oil
We have been using this for about one week. So far, we are seeing great results!
Emu oil
Kimberlee Fields
I consider this a healing miracle in my house. I have seen it heal scars, sooth bites and rashes and nourish skin. I recommend it to everyone I know that has any type of skin ailment.
Emu Oil
I'm so glad I found this product. It is great for dry, cracked heels and especially your nails. I used this for several months to clear up some fungus I had on my big toe. After a few weeks of using a little each morning and at bedtime I could see a difference. My toe nails have never looked so good! After years of wearing polish on them. I also use on small cuts. Helps speed up the healing process.
Emu Oil
I discovered Emu Oil when my aestheticisn recommended to heal my eyeliner tattoo. Incredible healing power scabs. Awesome product.
Emu Oil
Marilyn Downing
I have bought a bottle for my brother and my sister. My brother has two blown knees, bone on bone and his wife is in hospice care and both suffer with severe chronic pain. They both use the oil and have received significant relief. Also, I purchased for my sister who has a swollen knee with chronic pain and she uses it and also reports significant relief. Neither of them Received instant relief but had to use it 3-5 days applying 1-3 times a day before they experienced relief, so give it some time.
Emu oil keeps my face and hand less dry; I have t
Nicole Karlins
I had read that it might lighten blemishes and circles under the eye, so far, it has not!
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