Course features study in energetic medicine. Hands-on healing, polarity and energy work. Brief studies will look at homeopathic principles, crystal healing, therapeutic touch, radionics, electrotherapy, psychic healing and more. Student will also study polarity and take an in-depth look at their own ability to heal using their hands. As well as the question sheets, the student will be required to do case studies outlining their experiences. This course is an advanced study and requires academic skills as well as good intuitive skills to complete. It is challenging and healing and is the stepping stone to "Greater Things Shall Ye Do". This course is open to anyone with the desire to learn and the humility to connect to the Divine. Course includes textbooks, questions, case studies and certificate(except Arkansas residents). ** McCain highly recommends this course to anyone who has the healing touch and wants to stay abreast of the new healing modalities of the future. Cost of course is $250.00 plus $10.00 shipping. This basic course does not however license you to practice; you must check your state for requirements if you decide to choose a career. Taking this course does not give you the ability to practice as a Naturopathic Doctor. Courses can not be taken by Arkansas residents. These courses are for personal knowledge only.